[nycphp-talk] On the subject of MySQL 4.1.8...

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Dec 27 14:47:20 EST 2004

> I recently upgraded MySQL to 4.1.8 and had some PHP applications break
> because of changes in date handling, so I ended up rolling back to the
> older version. My question is, is it possible to enable backwards
> compatibility for 4.1.8 especially wrt date handling???


For functions that produce a DATE, DATETIME, or TIME value, the result
returned to the client now is fixed up to have a temporal type. For
example, in MySQL 4.1, you get this result:

mysql> SELECT CAST('2001-1-1' AS DATETIME);
       -> '2001-01-01 00:00:00'

In MySQL 4.0, the result is different:

mysql> SELECT CAST('2001-1-1' AS DATETIME);
       -> '2001-01-01'


Incompatible change: TIMESTAMP is now returned as a string in
'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format (from 4.0.12 the --new option can be used
to make a 4.0 server behave as 4.1 in this respect). See section TIMESTAMP Properties as of MySQL 4.1. If you want to have the
value returned as a number (as MySQL 4.0 does) you should add +0 to
TIMESTAMP columns when you retrieve them:

mysql> SELECT ts_col + 0 FROM tbl_name;

Display widths for TIMESTAMP columns are no longer supported. For
example, if you declare a column as TIMESTAMP(10), the (10) is ignored.
These changes were necessary for SQL standards compliance. In a future
version, a further change will be made (backward compatible with this
change), allowing the timestamp length to indicate the desired number of
digits for fractions of a second.

So yeah, date stuff has changed a bit.  Unfortunately there isn't a way
to get 4.1 to behave as 4.0 in these respects.  However, you can get 4.0
to act as 4.1 to ease upgrading.  Check out the --new option as
described in the above link, and here:

Hans Zaunere, Sales Engineer
MySQL, Inc.
Office: +1 212.213.1131

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