[nycphp-talk] Help... NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation 8.

Alan T. Miller amiller at
Wed Dec 22 07:34:34 EST 2004

It looks like I got slammed by some new PHP vulnerablity. It first appeard 
that what it did was to replace all your index pages with its own that 
proclaims "This site is defaced!!!" and then includes ... "NeverEverNoSanity 
WebWorm generation 8.".

Well, in an effort to fix this problem, I completely rebuilt apache, 
mod_ssl, and PHP. And when I tried to upload new index files from my backup, 
I still get the damn messages but it is as if thay are overlaid on top of my 
regular pages. So Weird...

Anyone have any information about this, how to fix, how to clean this up, 
how to prevent (other than the obvious upgrade your PHP the absolute minute 
an update comes out?).

Thanks in advance,


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