[nycphp-talk] Projects

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Aug 28 18:44:00 EDT 2004

csnyder |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>Well, obviously it's written in Googlish! ;-)
>All kidding aside, the source code for the user interface is available
>-- and it's the user interface (xhtml+css+javascript) of the new
>Google apps that really rocks.
Well, something had better rock because the content sure doesn't!  It 
seems Google is grabbing anything it can stick ads onto these days.

But I guess newsgroups might be a pretty attractive challenge for the 
PhD's... it looks like they are doing a straight text-match in this 
beta. Stemming is off, no synonyms, tons and tons of keyword spam in the 
results set.

What exactly is so interesting about the user interface?


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