[nycphp-talk] PHP5, Oracle 9i, failure to connect

Nathan Lavertue nd at
Wed Aug 25 20:31:14 EDT 2004

... thanks Daniel.

Actually, there were 2 instances of the Oracle connection on my local 
machine, and this was sort of screwing up the PHP connection. You've 
got it down now... but, I can't really explain how. We did modify the 
apachectl binary to include the Oracle environments, but, I'm not even 
sure that did anything... weird. i do not recommend the setup!


nathan lavertue // .flash.soldier/pixel.terrorist.
................... //
ph. 001.917.340.3013

On Aug 25, 2004, at 6:37 PM, Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Perhaps there's a firewall keeping you out?  Perhaps Oracle isn't
> configured to allow connections from your machine, let alone any other
> machine?  You're using the oci8 extension, right?
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