[nycphp-talk] Hmm, how to count 'online' users?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Aug 13 13:11:43 EDT 2004

Mark Armendariz wrote:

>I'm not a huge fan of MS for lots of reasons, security being a big one, BUT,
>I feel outlook 03 is by far one of the best email clients I've ever used
>(and I've tried at least 30 windows email clients - large and small).
>Personally, I've had no security issues with it (thus far).  I tend not to
>recommend it (hold this reply) as I know MS can hardly be trusted, but until
>the day I can get similar or better functionality from another developer, I
>have to stick with it for email.

Ive been doing pretty well with Mozilla for email. The spam filtering is pretty good and the automatic filing via rules is damn good for me (Im on a lot of lists!).

Systems Administrator / Developer

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