[nycphp-talk] Hmm, how to count 'online' users?

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Thu Aug 12 16:09:37 EDT 2004

> Even better, You can email these gifs to people and track 
> when they read your emails. 

This is becoming less reliable.  Since the obvious advantage to spammers, so
they know you've seen their email, email clients are beginning to block
images pending image download approval.  Outlook 03 does this (which I'm
grateful for), and I recall yahoo doing it as well.  I figure hotmail and
gmail will if they don't already, and I'm sure other email clients
should/will soon.

> PS: I don't know if browsers cache to the left of the "?" 
> only in the URL or the whole URL, but you could either additionally:

IE and firefox definitely do, and I believe the other majors do as well.
It's a known method to use when working with flash to ensure your flash
movies are never cached (for site upgrades).


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