[nycphp-talk] Files or BLOBs??

Joel De Gan joel at
Thu Aug 12 14:41:28 EDT 2004

Well, depending on size.

type         max size
------------ -------------
TINYBLOB               255
BLOB                65_535
MEDIUMBLOB      16_777_215
LARGEBLOB    4_294_967_295


On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 18:12, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> Im planning a web-based application where users upload text files to a 
> site where they are stored and can be searched, viewed, edited, etc. My 
> first instinct is to use some database to make indexing and searching 
> nice and fast. However, each file can vary from 26K to 35K - and I think 
> this is rather large to store in a column in MySQL so maybe I will have 
> to use files and use MySQL to store meta-data about the file. What do 
> you guys consider a good approach for this sort of thing?
joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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