[nycphp-talk] Site Quote

ophir prusak lists at
Wed Aug 11 14:37:21 EDT 2004

Hi Joseph,

Any site that's gonna cost over $10,000 really needs to be built in a 
two (or more) stage process.

Stage one is creating a detailed specification of what the clients will 
get - what the end result will be.
This can also be thought of a user manual / blueprint of the site.

Stage two is the actual creation.
The is the building of the site.

Sometimes there is a stage three of what they get after you're done.

A good analogy to give to clients is that they want to create a building 
but first need to create a detailed blueprint.

You should separate both stages regarding cost.
A serious client understands the importance of creating good specs.

Offer to do just stage one for $X and then when they have the specs you 
can give a price for doing the entire site, but tell them that they're 
free to do the implementation with anyone they want.

If the client only cares about price, you're better off having someone 
else do the implementation anyways.
If they can appreciate excellent quality and service, then you should be 
able to show them such during phase one and have won them over.

Personally, if a client isn't prepared to spend at least $500 for the 
specs of an over $10,000 project, I'd beware.


Joseph Crawford Jr. wrote:

> Guys i have put in a quote for a site similar to
> and the person said the quote was way too much, my quote was $25,000 
> for the entire site to be done that is tax free for them, meaning i am 
> paying my own taxes.  Thier site included a ton of statistic features 
> and quickbooks report integration etc...
> Do you guys think i quoted high or low?
> Joe Crawford Jr.
>New York PHP Talk
>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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