[nycphp-talk] SQL question - summary data for two categories

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Aug 2 19:18:59 EDT 2004

On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 07:17:46AM -0400, Michael Myers wrote:
> I have a primary data table that holds the same type of results for two 
> different categories. There is a column in the table that reflects the 
> category for each row.

Good job.

> Up to this point, I have been creating two separate summary tables, one 
> for each category. 

Ouch.  Glad you've seen the light of merging them into one table.

> Is it possible to combine them in one CREATE...SELECT construct?

Not really, that I know of.  For ease of long term maintenance, 
comprehension and accuracy in choosing column types, do your self a 
favor: make one file that just has a CREATE TABLE statement.  Don't 
have it do a create select.

Then create separate SELECT INTO statements to move the data from the 
different tables into the new centralized table.


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