[nycphp-talk] new hash filter system.. (OT)

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Apr 27 13:33:35 EDT 2004

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

  > There's also the BC math library, which is bundled with PHP,
but you
> need to emulate bitwise operations in userland code, which doesn't
> seem too efficient.

...pardon the OT switch, but "BC" just reminded me of a question
a student asked that I hadn't had time to research, and thought
maybe someone's run into this:

Any "good" ways to handle BCE/CE (BC/AD) dates that are stored
in MySQL?  A quick check didn't come up with anything in either
Paul DuBois's MySQL Cookbook or David and Adam's PHP Cookbook.

damn.. typed that too fast, it reads as if you *can* store such 
a date in MySQL ... UNIX epoch 19700101000000 limitations being 
what they are -- I'm really looking for PHP solutions here


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