[nycphp-talk] [ot] Building Linux Kernel

Faber Fedor faber at
Tue Apr 20 23:39:18 EDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 10:59:01PM -0400, jon baer wrote:
> > rebuilding the kernel is pretty easy as it is often done.
> > here is how I do it in my gentoo boxes everytime there is a new kernel
> > out.. so often enough :)
> The problem I have is in regards to modules ... 

Modules do take the longest to compile.

> seems that everytime I
> recompile pcmcia-cs and try to attach the new kernel to grub I get a nice
> kernel panic every time and its using pretty much the same config file.

How do you recompile the pcmcia-cs modules (actual keystrokes and
messages would be helpful, thanks)? 

It's been awhile since I compiled a kernel (at least six months), but
did you modify the make file to use the "kernel compiler" as opposed to
gcc?  (I don't think I've compiled a kernel under RH9, so it may not be
necessary, but...)

> I understand that when rebuilding you have this massive .config file that
> can be edited a bunch of ways but when something is stated as "modular" is
> it the fact that maybe the config file is saying something else?

Not that I'm aware of.  The different config-makers do a pretty good job
of writing a sane .config file.  Have you used anything other than "make
config", "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"?

> (this whole thing has to do with upgrading a HostAP driver for a new Seneo
> wifi card which is requiring a new kernel, my RPM had this built in which is
> fine but it wont work for him w/ this card).

And why won't it "work for him w/ this card"?  Did you need to
apply patches?  Any errors during the compile?   What does the kernel
panic say?

Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)

> Id actually like to learn how to accomplish this kernel building once and
> for all lol.

Like most things in Linux, it's fairly straightforward, but it's
a narrow straightforwardly. ;-)


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