[nycphp-talk] Is it worth learning Python too?

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Wed Apr 14 12:35:05 EDT 2004

You've described anyone that's worked in these field for more than a few
years, I think.

> although I always find people hesitant 
> to hire the
> person knowing 10% ASP, 10% JSP, 10% HTML, 10% Python, 10% C, 
> 10% PHP, 10%
> XML, 10% DHTML, 10% SQL 10% Come in on time. :-)  Looks like 
> the average
> request these days ...

Goes back to a joke I like to use:
"If you speak a dozen languages, and half of them require a compiler... You
Might Be A Geek"

Chris Bielanski
Web Programmer, 
International Trademark Association,
1133 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10036
+1 (212) 642-1745, f: +1 (212) 768-7796
mailto:cbielanski at,  
INTA -- 125 Years of Excellence

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