[nycphp-talk] Cookie values - Clean 'em out

Jeff jsiegel1 at
Thu Sep 18 09:59:20 EDT 2003

I need to allow website visitors to "reset" their cookie values, so to
speak. Anyone have a recommended "method"? Just loop through the array
of vals and set to ''?

Jeff Siegel
P.S. Here's the answer to the question that some may have...namely, why
should visitors be allowed to "reset" their cookie values? Well, after a
user has submitted a form, some of the values are saved in a cookie. On
subsequent visits to the website, those cookie values are automatically
read..and fed..into the appropriate text box fields. So...if they
accidentally messed up during the previous use of the form and bad
values are in the seems there should be a simple way to
allow the user to clear out those values.

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