[nycphp-talk] PHP growth

Hans Zaunere hans at
Tue Sep 9 12:39:57 EDT 2003

Tim Gales wrote:

>   Thought this might be of interest:
> Posted August 30, 2003 01:42 PM @
> Although PHP is universally thought of as implying Linux, Apache and 
> MySQL, nearly 7% of PHP sites [when counting by ip address] run on 
> Windows. This has doubled over the last year, and on its current growth 
> trajectory PHP will *overtake* (my emphasis) Cold Fusion as the most 
> popular non-Microsoft scripting language used on Windows during the next 
> year.

Wow, I would have said a Java variant was number two.

> Web site developers are less dogmatic than many analysts like to 
> portray, and are prepared to mix development paradigms when it suits 
> their purpose. …. Scripting languages are seeing the best growth of any 
> class of web technologies presently as site owners seek to make their 
> sites more sophisticated and see a good return on the development time 
> invested.
> Excerpted from: 

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