[nycphp-talk] mySQL datetime fields default now() fails

Brian Pang bpang at
Sun Sep 7 12:49:02 EDT 2003


I think you want to be using the timestamp column type instead.

note that the value will be automatically set if you do not explicity
provide a value for it.


if you want to preserve the original value on update, you need to return
the original value with the update query.

alternately, there are other mysql date/time functions you can use with
now() or current() that should work, just don't put them in quotes in
the insert statement.

> I figured it out but it's a PHP solution, not a mySQL solution:
> date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
> How inferior.  You can employ pre-defined constants in Oracle, SQL Server,
> even stinkin' ACCESS, but not mySQL?

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