[nycphp-talk] accessing phpmyadmin as different users

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Fri Oct 17 15:07:09 EDT 2003

I way pass these steps you mentioned.

I can handle the debugging, because it is the same way I do it 
everytime I program in PHP or Perl.

PHPmyAdmin does not have a loging page as of version 2.3.3.  
Basically you add the user and pwd into the file
in a hash array:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']             = 'user';      // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = 'pwd'; // MySQL password

BUT WHEN I put in variables in the hash array it fails:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']             = $user;      // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = $pwd; // MySQL password

YES, the variable do have the information that I want to pass.

Nestor :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Analysis & Solutions <danielc at>
Sent: Oct 17, 2003 10:44 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] accessing phpmyadmin as different users

Hi Nestor:

> I tried it with $_GET and $_POST and with either of them I am able to 
> print the information in the 
> variables.
> But it fails

Before I get too far, I thought phpMyAdmin has it's own login page.  Why 
are you making another?

Anyway, you need to learn how to do some debugging, step by step.

You said you made a login page.  Go to the script that login form gets 
submitted to.  Put in echos for the variables you're submitting.  Did your 
input get through?  If not, there's your problem.  But, if so, go to the 
next step.

Now, you need to pass that information from there to the index.php, right?  
How are you passing it between the pages?  Check in index.php that the 
information you supplied is getting there.  If it's not, why not?  If it 
is, then are you putting it in the right place to be accepted by the 

I hope you now get the idea of how to debug... think through your system,
step by step, create tests that checking things at each step of the


[... snipping old content, what a concept...]


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