[nycphp-talk] Failure to write session data

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Sat Nov 22 08:47:34 EST 2003

It seems the error has resurfaced (it has only occurred once since my 
last posting). Following Dan's lead, I checked the file handles using 
this command: sysctl fs.file-nr and came up with the following:

fs.file-nr 11145  10529  104856

According to the Linux performance doc that I had referred to in an 
earlier post, it says the following:

"Value #1 – The number of allocated file handles
Value #2 – The number of used file handles
Value #3 – The maximum number of file handles the kernel will allocate
You can raise the file handle limit with sysctl -w fs.file-max=32767
Ideally, the first number should approach the maximum number with the
center number far behind. Raise the limit until this occurs.
A system needs to be up for a reasonable period of time before you should
measure against these values."

*HOWEVER*, if this performance doc is correct, well, the max. number of 
file handles *already* seems quite large. So I have the following question:
	Since the max number (value #3)is already quite large, is there 
something that's preventing Linux from allocating additional file 
handles? (And, just an it a coincidence that the 
allocated file handles is about 10% of the max. number?)

Jeff Siegel

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