[nycphp-talk] Pat on the Back

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Nov 7 10:26:35 EST 2003

Michael Myers wrote:

> Over the past few days I made substantial progress converting the first 
> leg of a web application to "AMP".  Compared to my non-AMP production 
> version, it is wonderfully fast and has me really energized to move 
> forward.
> I just want to thank the contributors to the NYPHP forum, as I have been 
> trying to absorb the general types of advice regarding site structure, 
> strategy, and coding practice. Even though I'm just scratching the 
> surface, it has helped me a great deal already.
> Thanks!

Many thanks Michael.  As this list continues to mature, I'm so happy to hear people are finding value in it and with AMP Technology.

Thanks again.  Notes like this make it great.


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