[nycphp-talk] include "<?php" in data

Michael Southwell southwell at
Wed Nov 5 10:01:21 EST 2003

At 10:35 PM 11/3/2003, you wrote:

> > A word of explanation:  I have some very similar pages which I'm 
> converting
> > to one page, with various display data in arrays and choosing which array
> > by getting which one from the link to it.
>Putting page contents in an array sounds wasteful.
>Store each page as a file.  Store common headers and footers in two
>separate files.  Include the headers/footers at the top/bottom of each
>page.  Then, in the body of each page, include your popbig() function as

Actually, this is the way the pages are set up already:  everything is 
includes except the specific data for the page.  So then I thought:  this 
should be just one page with variable data; instead of ten pages each 2K, 
have one page 10K.  Smaller and faster.  This worked fine (once I got the 
coding correct) because the image display was formulaic.  But it broke down 
with the print stylesheet which can't be formulaic because it's dependent 
on the sizes of the images; so newpages have to be decided 
individually.  So I gave up on this.  The whole application isn't really 
large enough for the "smaller and faster" to make much of a difference (so 
in that sense it was kind of an exercise).

But what do you all think of the concept?  Is there something I was 

Michael G. Southwell =================================
DNEBA Enterprises
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
southwell at

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