[nycphp-talk] "how many users online" PHP solution: sessions or DB?

D C Krook dkrook at
Mon Nov 3 23:13:18 EST 2003


I don't have the answer to your question, but I am impressed with the clear 
description of your desired outcome, the outline of your current 
platform(s), and evidence that you've done research and explored several 


>The following two URLs illustrate different approaches to the idea of 
>showing "how many
>users online" issue.  I am looking at two different sites where I am 
>looking into implementing
>this type of script; one that has mySQL and one that has no db access of 
>any kind; both use
>PHP 4.1.
>I (for once) understand what I would need to do to implement it; problem 
>comes in as to which
>solution would be the fastest, most efficient and most secure considering 
>that one of them
>deals with sessions (then there is the cookie issue, but that's another 
>issue altogether,
>on security issues
>and cookies/sessions).
>What would one best recommend I use: the PHP/mySQL solution (for the non-db 
>issue I would have
>to write complicated XML procedures instead), or sessions?
>Oh, more info:
>Site #1 (has mySQL) is Linux/Apache ??/mySQL 3.23.41 and PHP 4.1
>Site #2 (has no DB) is generic UNIX/Apache ?? and PHP 4.1

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