[nycphp-talk] stats..

Sterling Hughes sterling at
Fri Mar 21 11:06:11 EST 2003

On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 04:31, Tracy wrote:
> Hi, 
> with ur programming tips, i have almost come to the finishing stages of my project. now i have asked to consolidate the work. i need to show in graphs and plot, the stats of my project. i need to measure the execution tie of my scripts based on the qureies issued, etc... 
> wots the best method? does anyone know of available tools for the work. dont tell me i need to add a 
> $start = time() 
> :
> :
> and then $end = time();
> exectime= $end-$start. this is the only possible that comes to my mind at the moment. plz help 
> Thz again

you'll want to use a pre-existing solution, like Benchmark_Timer, or use
apd.  Both are available from pear.


> Tracy
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