[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL based solution for sending bulk email?

Edward Potter ejp at
Tue Mar 18 19:52:25 EST 2003

One of the finest pieces of software written i think:


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On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 01:48 PM, Ian Forsyth wrote:

> Steve,
> to send out 5000 emails using a solution you describe below on a shared
> hosting server would take 1/2 hour, to an hour with noticable server
> lag.. If you have developers on staff.. Go for it do it in house... get
> a server from, or ($150 bucks a month or so)
> or something similar.. developers getting at least $150 dollars a day..
> it would not take long to get up and running, three months at a maximum
> .  but if you do not have developers already on staff I'd say give the
> responsibilty to some one else, and if they are failing find another
> company to do it for you..
> In doing mass mailing (SPAM) there are a lot of concerns to keep in
> mind, RBL database, MAPS.. network up time.. HACKERS who don't like you
> sending out so much email.. the more 'popular' your ip, the more you
> have to be concerned about security.. though the managed hosting
> solutions mentioned above can help you with such duties..
> So maybe you can do it semi in house.. Meaning you go with a managed
> hosting service provider, pay the extra fees for security and backup,
> and extra band width, and setup but develop the php/POSTGRES or MYSQL 4
> solution your selves.. thing is.. its kinda difficult to test for
> 200,000 emails, this is why going with some one how specializes in mass
> mailing would be a good idea.. maybe you could host the front end..
> then send a mass mailing company the list.. and say send these people
> email.. but you could maintain the list of people, and sell their
> addresses to as many people as you want.
> I would not do it if you do not have developers weather contract or
> full time. When something breaks, it is best to not learn how to
> program at that time.
> Anyways, those are my thoughts..
> Ian
> On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 04:52 PM, Steve Soler wrote:
>> I have an opt-in email list of about 200,000 people.  I'm wondering if
>> anyone knows of a shareware or commercial PHP/MySQL based solution for
>> sending out bulk email.  It would have to have the following features:
>> - Allow the creation of multiple mailing lists by duplicating existing
>> mailing lists and also copying one mailing list to an existing.
>> - Must be able to remove duplicates in each individual mailing list.
>> - Force mailings to be associated with only one mailing list at a 
>> time.
>> - Allow for optional demographics fields on the Opt-In form.
>> - Handle Opt-Out / Opt-In requests for each individual email list.
>> - Handle HTML email with optional plain text for non-html email
>> clients.
>> - Monitor statistics for every delivered email that is viewed and the
>> link clicked through to.
>> - Provide a way for clients to view the live statistics of their
>> particular mailing online.
>> This solution can run on either a Windows 2000 box or a Mac OS X box,
>> which ever is more convenient.  I know Mac OS X come with PHP and
>> SendMail pre-installed being that it's really UNIX under the hood.
>> I'll be using a broad band connection so I need this solution to use
>> the sendmail program (or equivalent) to send the mailings right from
>> the box it's installed on.  This is to avoid having to rely on an ISP
>> or Web-hosts mail server which will think I'm sending out spam and try
>> and shut me down.
>> I hope this is clear and I hope some one knows of a solution out there
>> that will do the job.  If there turns out to be none with these
>> capabilities, I'm also interested in possibly hiring some one to build
>> such a solution for me if the price is right.  All feed back is
>> appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Steve Soler
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