Child process terminates

Anirudh Zala xml at
Wed Jun 18 05:42:42 EDT 2003

Hello all,

I often find from my error log that there exists thousands of lines of errors continuosly, like below.

Child process 20456 didn't exist, sent SIGHUP
Child process 20460 didn't exist, sent SIGHUP
Child process 20476 didn't exist, sent SIGHUP

Theoretically I know reason of this error, but i am not Linux or Server expert hence i am not able to find specific practicle reason/s that why this error is making my log file full and what process is causing it. As a temporary solution i have to restart my apache at regular interval otherwise log file gets full with erros.

I am using Apache 1.3.27, php 4.3.1, MySql 3.23.55, GD 1.6.2 and higher, Perl 5.8.0 and other packages. 

I know these info may not be sufficent to find reason of erros, but i hope someone can guide me in proper way.

I want to know general or likely reason/s of this error. Whether it is PHP or Apache or Perl or Wrong configuaration of software? that is causing such errors.


Anirudh Zala

Anirudh Zala (Project Manager),           Tel: +91 281 2451894
AUM Computers,                                Gsm: +91 98981 37727
317, Star Plaza,                                 anirudh at
Rajkot-360001, Gujarat, INDIA   
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