[nycphp-talk] php scalability

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Aug 13 20:14:15 EDT 2003

Lee Semel wrote:

> I am planning an e-commerce site, to be developed either in PHP or 
> Java (preferably the former), but I haven't made my final decision 
> yet.  One of the key issues is the ability to scale the site onto a 
> cluster of servers, as traffic grows. 
> In Java, it seems that commercial application servers can handle this 
> out of the box.  But I don't see how this can be done on PHP, and I'm 
> wondering if anyone actually does this in a critical production 
> environment.
> How would you set up load balancing and failover on a PHP site? Is 
> there any particular way you would design the application up front to 
> make this easier?  I'm interesting in hearing your suggestions.
> Lee

take a look at oscommerce


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