[nycphp-talk] Survey questions in new website

jsiegel1 at jsiegel1 at
Tue Apr 15 19:54:42 EDT 2003

Of course, I misspelled "mispelled."


----- Original Message -----
From: jsiegel1 at
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 7:53 pm
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Survey questions in new website

> Some of these items may have already been addressed 
> ignore items that may have already been addressed.
> Jeff
> ==================================
> Survey page 1
> 1. "How did you first heard about PHP"
> Should be, "How did you first hear.....
> 2. "Which platform have you seen used most for PHP development"
> "Which platform have you seen PHP deployed to most for mission-
> critical applications deployment"
> The phrasing is a bit awkward and the "intent" of the question may 
> not be obvious to someone completing the survey. It's not obvious 
> why you have the phrase "have you seen" as opposed to just saying 
> "Which platform have you used most for PHP development." 
> 3. You may want to unpack this question a bit: "Based on your 
> experience, has flexibility and rapid development been leveragable 
> from PHP." I feel that "leveragable" needs further explanation or 
> just rewording (perhaps a phrase describing "leveragable.").
> 4. Type: "For PHP questions/problems/support, rantk the order of 
> where you go for help "
> "rank" is mispelled.
> Survey Page 2
> 1. "When working with clients, how is PHP most often brought 
> onboard" and "When working with clients, what is the existing 
> status of PHP in the majority of cases" could probably be combined 
> into one question since the first question implies the "existing 
> status" which is asked about again in the second question.
> 2. "Please estimate your non-HTML related PHP code base (Object 
> Oriented % vs Prcedure %)"
> Just a typo...should say "Procedural."
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