[nycphp-talk] install php 4.2.2 with mysql & apache

chalu chalu at
Wed Oct 9 16:02:46 EDT 2002

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>--- "P. Fawcett" <fawcett at> wrote:
>>hope i don't sound as confused as i am.  not all questions may be
>>answerable here, but to set the scene:
>Sorry, you sound pretty confused  :)  Maybe I can point you in the
>right direction.
>>i've tried to configure (on redhat 7.2) apache 1.3.26 w/ php4.2.2 &
>>mysql 3.23.51 source tar or .52rpm - whatever i can get to work.
>It's important to pick either RPM or src and then stick with it.  If
>this is new for you, try RPM.  My RPM is a little rusty, but maybe
>something like this would help:
>rpm -q apache
>rpm -q php
>rpm -q mysql
You mean; rpm -e apache     to erase?

Suppose you have packages named "blabla.rpm"
You can run;

rpm -Uvh blabla.rpm

It will replace in verbose mode.

>These will query to see what RPM packages are installed, which should
>give you a base to work from.  If all three are installed (and you're
>not worried about being up to date) you can probably startup apache
>with something like apachectl start and mysql with something like
>/etc/init.d/mysql.server start
>Search and, as they have some
>good tutorials for this type of thing.
>Also useful might be:
>>1)  if i have php, mysql & perl installed on the sys, do i have to
>>include them in the other configs. ie configuring php --with-mysql?
>Yes - this enables MySQL within PHP
>>in configuring apache --with-perl.
>No, this has nothing to do with compiling with mod_perl support.  Don't
>use --with-perl.
>>or are these built in lighter versions?
>Nothing to do with lighter versions.
>>am i right mod's, ie mod_php is just a lighter version of php & not
>necessary if i have php 4.2.2 installed?
>If you've installed the RPMs, you don't need to do anything further,
>except start the daemons.
>> or does that mod_php tie apache to php?
>mod_php is php that is loadable into Apache.
>Now we're getting into source compiliation, which is something
>different.  I would recommend sticking with RPM, but maybe
> can give you some pointers on
>>configure --enable-module-so
>>configure --enable-assembler --with-innodb
>>(i'm thinking i don't need
>>if not using php_mod, but rather the full php)
>Unless you plan on using PHP as a CGI, you'll need that.
>>configure 	--with-apxs
>>		--with-ldap
>>		--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
>>	php worked if i source compiled mysql 3.23.51 which created
>>/usr/local/mysql dir.
>Good enough.
>>but mysql would fail after config on: mysqladmin -u root -password
>You'll probably need to do something like:
>/usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &   first
>>err: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost'failed error: 'can't
>>connect to local mysql server thru socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'(2). 
>>check that mysqld is running & that socket exists.  well it wasn't &
>>it didn't
>>so i reconfig mysql with simplier 3.23.52 rpm, which would run thru
>>the config ok, create the socket, start the daemon, but would
>>populates files all over the sys and not create /usr/local/mysql dir,
>Ahh, the joy of package systems.
>>so without php config --with-mysql (no path) php would fail syntax in
>>the hpptd.conf:  
>>LoadModule php4_module libexec/ - "cannot load
>>/usr/local/apache/libexec/ into".
>And here we have it - a crossed RPM/compiled environment.  Pick one,
>and run with it :)
>>2)  do i just eliminate in php config --with-mysql all together? &
>>then how do the mysql php interact?
>No.. --with-mysql is important (or --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql)
>And when in doubt, remember to run ldconfig once in a while  :)
>Hans Zaunere
>New York PHP
>hans at
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Chalu Kim
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