[nycphp-talk] Templating and authentication

Joseph Annino jannino at
Tue Oct 8 01:48:33 EDT 2002

I like vlib template:

There is a java library for reading the same template format:

And this template format was originally part of Perl's HTML::Template

The way it works is using object methods, or arrays, or both, you push 
your variables into the template object.  It supports simple scalars, 
if then statements, loops, and a few automatic variables.  The template 
syntax is designed to be HTMLish and has a limited set of commands to 
keep it simple and keep design and logic separate.  It also has a nice 
command to take an SQL result and make it into a loop variable, making 
putting most database results into a template a one liner.  I really 
like it and use one of the above on all my projects.  There are slight 
differences between the libraries, so just be aware of them if you want 
to write cross language templates.  It does appear to be a bit 
different in approach than velocity though.

On Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 12:52  AM, Adam Fields wrote:

> I just joined this list, although I've been coding in PHP for a while
> now. It was good to meet some of you at the meetup last week!
> I'm working on a dynamic configuration-driven autogenerated CMS in
> PHP, and I'm looking for a templating system to hook into it for the
> display side. I'm thinking something along the lines of velocity -
> ideally even something that can read velocity templates (since I hope
> to also port the system to java at some point).
> Any suggestions?
> (Also, Hans - please get in touch with me about your authentication
> system, since I didn't get your email address.)
> -- 
> 				- Adam
> -----
> Adam Fields, Managing Partner, fields at
> Surgam, Inc. is a technology consulting firm with strong background in
> delivering scalable and robust enterprise web and IT applications.
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