[nycphp-talk] Mom and Pop CC Security

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Mon Jul 22 14:02:49 EDT 2002

There are of course many variables, but here are some things I've run
into, dealing with medical data:

--- Jim Musil <jim at> wrote:
> Let's say a user fills in his/her credit card number into a web form
> and then submits the form via https to a secure server.

Assuming proper configuration, this should be as solid as one would

> The user's order and credit card info are stored in a mySQL database.

How does the data get from webserver -> MySQL?  Same physical box?
Encrypted?  We've been looking at MySQL 4.x for p-t-p SSL encryption.

> Then, the owner of the site goes to a dynamic page which also lives
> on the same secure server. This page lists all the orders and the
> credit card numbers.

Is the owner's access via SSL as well?  Is his computer secure?  Is his
computer shared by anyone/in a public area?  Is the data cached at all

> The owner then processes the credit card order by hand in hes/her
> shop and deletes and marks the order as processed.

Of course security is only as good as the people that use the system!

> What security holes exist in this scenario?

This is just a start.  How secure are the boxes themselves?  The
network?  Are they running latest/secured php/apache/ssh/etc?  Physical
security?  Who has access/administers them?  Are the backup tapes/media
secured, physically?

This may pedantic, but we've been dealing with medical data, and thus
HIPPA regulation, so I'm learning to be extremely anal about things.


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