metrocard dilema

felix at felix at
Sat Jul 20 05:32:42 EDT 2002

Ok i am writing this out of my frustration of losing $1.50 due to fun pass.
 It is quite a programing dilema.

MTA rule : fun pass expires at 3am next day after it is being used.
Simple enough right but what i been out and coming home late at night. Also
i live on staten island and am taking ferry.  so i am comming from brooklyn
i have to go to manhatten and then take the ferry that is if i catch the
boat on time which goes once an hour at night then on the other side in
staten island i have to swipe the metrocard to get on the train.  By the
time i get there its past 3am ($4 dollar pass being useless).

So why not have this fun pass realy be for 1DAY that is 24 hours after
activation at any time of the day.  Say i started using it at 4pm it should
last till 4pm next day.

I dont know the details of how the metrocard system works but i imagine it
has the simplest implementations. Metrocard probably has 3 states inactive,
active, expired.  What moves it from active to expired is the 3am cut off
time. Also the date has to be checked.  Making the cards 24 hours would
require puting a time stamp on the card after it is being used.  I dont see
whats so much more complicated about that ?  This mta policy seems realy
whacked out.  Anyone see this differently ?


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