[nycphp-talk] Sorry, really stupid question...

Sterling Hughes sterling at
Sat Dec 28 15:50:51 EST 2002

> "Have the file chmoded"...
>You completely lost me.  How can I chmod a file I have not yet opened?

You can chmod a file at anytime, whether it is open or not.  at the command
line you use the chmod command.

In response to the various fclose() message:
    fclose() is *never* necessary.  not even in long scripts, short scripts
    or medium sized scripts. PHP 4 is reference counted, meaning when 
    the file pointer variable is no longer referenced in the script it is
    automatically cleaned up.


> Phil
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Analysis & Solutions" <danielc at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 2:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Sorry, really stupid question...
> > On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 02:26:29PM -0500, Phil Powell wrote:
> >
> > > $fileID = fopen("nicknames.txt", "a") or die("Could not open " . $path .
> "/nicknames.txt");
> > >    chmod("nicknames.txt", 0755);
> > >    fputs($fileID, $nickname . "\
"); fflush($fileID); fclose($fileID);
> >
> > Let's rewrite this in more efficient, readable code...
> >    $File = '/path/to/nicknames.txt';
> >    $fileID = fopen($File, 'a') or die("Could not open $File");
> >    fputs($fileID, "$nickname\
> >
> > Key changes...
> >    * Have the file chmoded in the first place, not every time you open it
> >      up, nor while you have it open already.
> >    * Changed double quotes to single quotes in fopen statement.  Double
> >      quotes only needed when strings are evaluated (have variables in
> >      them).
> >    * fflush() isn't needed at all.
> >    * fclose() happens automatically when the script ends, so is
> >      only helpful when you have a long script.
> >
> > --Dan
> >
> > --
> >                PHP classes that make web design easier
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> >  4015 7th Ave #4AJ, Brooklyn NY    v: 718-854-0335   f: 718-854-0409
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
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