[nycphp-talk] PHP version compatibility standards

Emmanuel. M. Decarie emm at
Mon Dec 16 09:40:46 EST 2002

What could be the best practice, best defensive programming regarding 
this situation when you write your own programs? Anyone have 
suggestions or pointers.

I started this September with PHP and I was really bitten by the 
differences in version between 4.0.6/4.1.2

For example I had to write/install a PHP module for a client running 
unfortunately 4.0.6 while I was developing on my staging server on 
4.1.2. I fall in all the traps regarding the differences in scope 
with $HTTP_GET_VARS and $_GET. That's ok, I was beginning to learn 
the language.

But I find quite astonishing that key_exists() doesn't work anymore 
on 4.1.2 (you have to use instead array_key_exists 
<>). So I 
had to write a wrapper for this functionality.

function keyexists ($key, $array) {
     if ( function_exists ( "key_exists" ) ) {
         $keyexists = key_exists;
     } else {
             $keyexists = array_key_exists;
     if ( $keyexists ( $key, $array ) ) {
         return true ;
     } else {
             return false;

Why in the world key_exists was not aliased to array_key_exists and 
flagged as deprecated in 4.1.2?


Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript - XML  <>

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