[nycphp-talk] An Action Item App or Help Desk App...

Oktay Altunergil nyphp at
Thu Dec 12 01:25:29 EST 2002 is fairly standard among small to medium sized hosting companies.  I think it's free (as in soda pops).


On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 16:57:29 -0500
"Fee, Patrick J" <patrick.fee at> wrote:

> Evening gang,
> Recently I became disenchanted with an application I was using to track web
> job assignments by all of my staff.  This ColdFusion/Oracle web app. acted
> like a help desk where customers could input requested changes, updates or
> corrections directly.  My staff could also enter these actions themselves to
> handle phone requests, emails  or other "non-web" requests.
> We could then track these items, hand them off to each other, and allow the
> users to see where thier issue was in the process.  Finally we could close
> the issues and later get metrics on how quick we were.
> Three issues:
> 1) Not scalable without kickin' in a lot of cash for additional users.
> 2) No option for sub-tasks below the main task.  THis makes sence because it
> was made to be a help desk app., so it was MEANT to deal with the opening,
> working and closing of discret tasks.  But we need a little more...
> 3) The CF was encoded, so I couldn't change it to do our bidding.  I know
> whatever I get will need at least a wee bit o' customization.
> So... my question to you.  Anyone know of a LAMP (actually NETBSD AMP, but
> now I'm quibbling) product out there that will let me do the Help Desk for
> your Web Clients thing?  I'm going to set it up on my own NetBSD server and
> if the powers that be like it... we'll get them to set up a Linux server for
> our use.
> I'd like it to be something that one of you has some faith in... or a couple
> of products that I can test against each other and make an informed
> decision.
> THanks for you imput.  Also... sorry about the spelling.  I'm sending this
> from a web mail client without the bells & whistles.
> Patrick J. Fee
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