[joomla] Bootstrap Joostrap

Dave Burstein daveb at
Sun Sep 15 10:37:31 EDT 2013


I'm really enjoying what I can do with the Bootstrap framework, which has a
really vibrant community constantly building it further. Great responsive
features and what I really like is that the code is clean and works well. I
use Philip Locke's Joostrap template, a nice adaptation which includes the
isotope page layouts.

   I'm happy to do a demo for the group if people are interested.
Meanwhile, here's a list of resources I put together at people may find helpful

YABRL Yet Another Bootstrap Resource

My opinionated take on what helps build bootstrap websites. I've actually
tried almost all of them and used several in production. A few favorites,
not a huge list. GetBootstrap the
  Bootply Visual
 Bootstrap Free Themes, Many Colors
 Free Themes, Many
 WrapBootstrap Themes
 A Lightbox <>
Gallery <>  Cool
Google Card template<>
  Bootstrap for
 Free CDN Speedup<>
 Photoshop Bootstrap
 Free CDN Speedup<>
 Short Tutorials<>

If this isn't enough, see  Far More

The Fountainhead: GetBootstrap <>

Where creators Matt Otto and Jacob Thornton provide the code, show you what
it can do, and offer some of the best concise documentation of any project.
The only thing missing is a forum comparable to the one at The
"customize" feature saves petabytes across the web. Worth reading three or
four times if you use Bootstrap. One tip: I couldn't find where to download
the advanced templates. They are all in the single package in a
subdirectory when you download the whole package.
Visual Editor and Playground:

Darn fast drag-n-drop editor and excellent resource files. A pleasure. <>
Free Themes for Bootstrap: Bootswatch <>

More than a dozen free Bootstrap thems, all displayed on the home page.
Strong on giving you different color choices. Jennie thought Flatly,
Journal and perhaps Slate were the better ones. Cyborg is black and
striking but perhaps a bit much. United uses very bright Ubuntu Orange.
Host Thomas Park recommends a few paid templates as well, including Front
Row at Wrapbootstrap.
More Free Themes: Start Bootstrap

Loads of different layouts with sliders, half-sliders, multiple column
layouts ...
300 Themes for $4 to $25:
B <>ootstrap<>

Nice one page themes for $4. Plenty of others for less than $25. Definitely
worth a look.
Bootstrap for Joomla: Joostrap <>

Phil, a Joomla veteran, sells a fine version of Bootstrap for Joomla for
€16.99. He delivered Joostrap 3 within a week after Bootstrap 3 shipped.
With €34.99 or  €74.99 subscriptions, you get several full-featured
templates and extensions. The support has been good and worth paying for.
He helps out on issues that most template vendors would say "not my
Clean, Easy Lightbox: Bootstrap Lightbox

Does just what it should<>

A Full-Featured Gallery for Pictures and Video: Blueimp

Sebastian Tschan is recommending this, an updated version, rather than his
earlier "Bootstrap Image Gallery." Looks good, but I haven't tested it yet.
That Cool Google+ Card Interface: Bootplus

  Marcello Palmitessa has added classes to replicate the "cardstyle" layout
made famous by Google+. I love it.

 Incredibly Easy, Free Way to Speed Your Site: Bootstrap CDN

They cache the Bootstrap files and icons areound the globe. Your customer
gets them in much less time. Provided free by MaxCDN to give you a taste of
their service. The paid service <>looks interesting
as well: $9/month will speed up 10,000+ visitors to most websites. Speed
The Photoshop Templates: BentDesign & Designshock

All the Bootstrap interface elements as Photoshop vectors. Ideal for
mockups and comps<>

Bootstrap 3 elements in a remarkable six foot poster. You must have enough
memory to use this, but everything's there. Annoying signupat bottom of
long page.
Short Tutorials on Every Feature: W3Resource

Neither deep nor eloquent but generally right to the point. Whether it's
"pills & tabs" or "popovers," there's a page with the basics of what you
need to know. So convenient I added it to my Bootstrap bookmarks. From
Far More Resources

Many thanks to these much more comprehensive resource lists

Big Badass List<>
about everything. Well done, and check his OptimizationRobot while you're
there. Slews of stuff for Wordpress, php, Ruby and others I'm not qualified
to rate.

Bootsnip <> Very well organized with clear

Speckyboy <> Good
organization if you're looking for programmer tools.
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