[joomla] Crafty Preview Package

Gary A Mort joomla+2012 at
Wed Jan 2 14:02:57 EST 2013

I've got a second release of my Preview Package of enhancements for Joomla.

Note, the Preview Package is a bunch of different items.
It's all on my website,

This package includes the nifty, fun Raptor Editor plugin.   Raptor is 
an HTML5 Editor that uses a top of the screen toolbar rather than 
embedded in the middle.  It also gives you a better preview of what your 
content will look like since it displays it to you in an editable div - 
not a textarea.

Also just because I had it lying around, I stuck a syslog plugin in 
which redirects your log data to an external server.  This will redirect 
your Joomla! logs to a Syslog server.  I always find it a pain to try to 
track down where and how someone broke into a site because the ones 
breaking in erase logfiles.  By logging everything on an external server 
they can't do that!   This way I have an audit log of everything.   
Another added plus is that during development I can keep a second web 
browser open and see all the log entrees, profile messages, etc as they 
occur.  For that, I subscribe toPapertrail 
<>  While I COULD setup my own 
rsyslog server and all, Papertrail makes it easy.  Most sites will 
probably be in the free category of usage even with maximum logging.  If 
not, I highly recommend upgrading the account - the peace of mind in 
knowing my logs are safe is enormousness.

And for Developers, there is the second release of my JProfile 
By changing JEventDispatcher I've added the following log lines:

Application 0.003 seconds (+0.003); 1.00 MB (+0.359) - 

Tracks when a plugin event was created(ie the plugin helper imports 
plugins in a group) -this allows you to see ALL Joomla Plugin events 
with listeners regardless of whether or not there is a listener for it.

Application 0.003 seconds (+0.000); 1.00 MB (+0.002) - 

And here you get some tracking data on who is listening for an event to 
happen.  onAttatchis not an event, but the PluginHelper attaching a 
listener to the dispatcher.  onAfterSessionStart is the event being 
listened for.  It was attached by the JSite object -NOT A PLUGIN.  The 
Application object($application = JFactory->getApplication()) is 
listening DIRECTLY to the event.  Plugins are not the only objects which 
can listen for events.

Application 0.059 seconds (+0.056); 1.17 MB (+0.172) - 
Application 0.059 seconds (+0.000); 1.18 MB (+0.007) - 
Application 0.060 seconds (+0.000); 1.19 MB (+0.006) - 

Here you see the time when the onAfterSessionStart is triggered, time 
each listener for the event is executed, and when they have all 
completed.  Makes it soooo much easier to track down a performance 
hogging plugin.  One tester reported that he was able to pinpoint a LESS 
css compiler plugin as the source of a 3 second delay on page load!

Fun stuff.

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