[joomla] Learning PHP and Joomla

Janet Sullivan jmsullivan50 at
Fri Sep 14 15:43:32 EDT 2012

I agree that learning-by-doing is infinitely more productive.
And while I have written some php, its not my strongest skill.
I definitely need more experience, and would welcome this
opportunity to get that experience.

And if the tutorial could be woven into a part of the monthly meeting(s)
even better!

Thanks so much for suggesting this, Gary,
Janet Sullivan

 From: Gary A. Mort <joomla+2012 at>
To: joomla at 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: [joomla] Learning PHP and Joomla

Hi Guys,

Something I noticed at last nights meeting was a lot of comments
        about individuals who want to learn a bit of PHP, especially as
        it relates to Joomla.

I was thinking if people are willing to pursue an alternative
        method of education, I can put together a tutorial on setting up
        your system for programming in Joomla along with a subsection on
        the website of tasks that can be done to both improve Joomla!
        AND learn PHP at the same time.

There are 4 aspects of Joomla Code that could always use a lot
        of help.

1) Documentation
2) Unit Tests
3) Depreciated Functions
4) Management of the above

We could work on this as a group, as opposed to individuals. 
        Where a JoomlaNYC repository of code can be kept - members can
        pull from a list of tasks, work on them, submit the fixes back,
        and then a maintainer can shepherd them through the giving back
        to Joomla! process[always the spot I have trouble with]

For example, take a look at line 74 in the Content Controller:,957497

JError is a depreciated class - this means it will be going away
        at some point.  Generally calls like this are relatively simple
        to fix, you just need to replace one function call with a
        different call.   But these kinds of changes are boring for an
        experienced programmer to do, so they tend to linger.

Moreover, the longer they linger, the more damage they inflict
        on 3rd party components - since if the core code isn't fixed,
        you end up with 3rd parties who keep using the same depreciated
        code and then one day someone finally cleans all the stuff out,
        the depreciated method disappears, and 3rd party code breaks all

Keeping a clean code base is's also a great
        opportunity for others to learn PHP since you will learn little
        snippets of coding as you go along - the base platform can be
        improved, and everyone wins.

I'm trying to go through this process myself just to give me a
        mental jump start for the a few simple php
        fixes...submit the patch...move on to real work.  I was thinking
        if we centralized this on the NYC Joomla site, then people could
        learn and improve the code at the same time...  and if we can
        get a decent process in place, we can also move on to unit tests
        where you can learn even more PHP coding with the added benefit
        that you are learning GOOD programming practices at the same

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