[joomla] Learning PHP and Joomla

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Fri Sep 14 14:46:35 EDT 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Gary A. Mort <joomla+2012 at>wrote:

>  How do you find JoomGallery for functionality?

I don't have a fully functional and populated JoomGallery setup yet (still
running with a bridged G2 until I can migrate 11 years worth of photos...
hence the script!), but from what I have played with, JG2 looks to
be comparable to Gallery2 in functionality.  It fully ties into Joomla
2.5's ACL system, which is the main reason I am interested in using it.

I have a smaller site with only a handful of pictures on it in JG2, and
it's been fine - it has all the functions of Gallery2, including easy image
upload, modules with a random image, etc.  I have yet to test the more
advanced integration with Joomla and other components, though - from the
user forums, it looks like it should be able to integrate with other
components, such as Community Builder.

Once I have the migration script complete, I'll share it here - the script
author is doing this as a favor, and not interested in maintaining it once
the migration is done, however.

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