[joomla] can't hide article title-SOLVED

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Sun Apr 22 10:34:03 EDT 2012


I realized that if I changed the SEO settings I can see if the pages being
generated are different and how. I saw that the articleid was
different-that is expected; the catid was the same, but the item id was
different also. I wasn't sure what the item id was referring to, but I
checked id numbers in all my modules, articles and menu items. Lo and
behold, I DID have  a menu item for the article in question on my Login
menu (which i never published the module for). Don't know why it was
there...probably  to trouble shoot something in the past. Once I deleted
it, all problems solved.


Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
*Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
*(P) 203 572-5756*
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