[joomla] Speakers Wanted

Scott Wolpow scott at
Mon Aug 30 14:54:01 EDT 2010

The New York Joomla Users Group is looking for speakers for our Joomla 
Day Weekend. [Currently Oct 16th and 17th]
We need speakers on various topics
Your should be able to give a presentation for 45 minutes and know your 
topic. Please let us know f you have given talks before
Please reply to scott at
Beginner Joomla
   This is for people just beginning.
                     Topics include:
                            Choosing a template
                             Making changes to a template,
                             Module positioning
                             Installation- common errors and mistakes
                             Finding Components
Intermediate Joomla
     This is people beginning to develop for themselves and who modify code
                         Creating your own templates
                         Setting up a development platform
                         testing and bug fixing

                         Customizing templates
                         Advanced design issues

Advanced Joomla
      People who want to build their own components or extension and 
want to contribute to the core
                            Understanding the core libraries
                             Building Plugins

Business Joomla
                 For Business decision makers
                             Finding A host
                             What can Joomla do for your business
                             Joomla vs Wordpress vs Drupal The 
advantages of each

                 For people who want to make money from Joomla
                         Sound business practices
                         Creating a bid
                         Collecting Money
                         Your rights
                         Designing fro Joomla- Graphic Artists prospective

Jamming Joomla

*Scott Wolpow*
Please Help Me Raise Money for MS

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