[joomla] joomla Digest, Vol 44, Issue 3

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Aug 4 23:07:56 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Gene Desepoli <drgenelmt at> wrote:
> Perhaps a Inned to better explain what I'm trying to accomplish by having
> someone create an extensive Quiz/database program for my site.  The
> following link shows a few sample tests, similar to what I'd like to use on
> my website.  In addition to that, you can see that, on that page, several
> quiz links are listed along with stats for each quiz.  I would probably have
> about 30 quizzes per page based on topics.
> Woudl it be easy and feasable to incorporate that page into my Joomla site?
>  Would I use a wrapper to display a page like that, if I have someone else
> create a program for me.

I suspect you could take advantage of an existing extension for Joomla
and save the effort. There are several forms extensions, and I do
believe some of the CCKs are smart enough for something like this as

Anyone else on the list have a strong opinion on forms extensions -
what to use, what to avoid?

-- Mitch

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