[joomla] Multiple Admins?

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Tue Oct 30 11:53:06 EDT 2007

I prefer JUGA:,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,2587/Itemid,35/

There are also other ways of doing similiar things.

For example, docMan lets you have a document library with fine grained 
control over who can view/edit which documents.  But their not a "website".

Another thing to look into is that there are a couple of "magazine" 
components for Joomla which I would expect have ACL mechanisms built 
into it.

I forget what the component is for the current version, but hopefully 
next month(December) we will have a presentation on it(poke poke).

There is also a new component for Joomla 1.5 from RocketWerx that looks 
cool and their beta is currently available for purchase.

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