[joomla] We need a logo!

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Thu Nov 29 20:33:27 EST 2007

Would you have examples of usage?  The documentation basically implies 
that you have to use the logo and no other imagery.  IE placing the 
Joomlo logo next the a picture of the empire state building, in the 
torch of the statue of liberty, or as a white label on a jug of cider 
would be unacceptable?

Personally, if anyone wants to contribute a logo and can't figure out 
the Joomla guidelines, I'm also open to simply not using it rather than 
try to fight with the main org over it.

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 3:37 PM, Gary Mort <bz-gmort at> wrote:
>> Mitch, care to comment on the "requirements" for integrating the Joomla
>> logo so we don't get slapped by the Joomla IP police?
> Basically we cannot use the Joomla logo itself in anything branded
> specifically for the New York JUG. Here are the guidelines:
> And please stick to them, or I'll never hear the end of it! *grin*
> -- Mitch
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