[mambo] next Mambo

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 25 02:14:44 EST 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 01:57:15 -0500, inforequest
<hc1vdt402 at> wrote:
> Mitch Pirtle |nyphp mambo list 022005| wrote:
> >The third huge change is actually with the way content is stored, as
> >we are moving to a node-based schema - this means that we will have
> >each version of each item complete with who did what and when - so you
> >could say 5.0.0 provides the proper plumbing for a full-blown document
> >management platform.
> Yeah, that one is key. Too many possibilities for the way it would be
> integrated, but very different from 4.5x
> Does the roadmap try and predict when 5 replaces 4, of it it will be a
> replacement?

No, and I do believe that the community will drive that decision more
than we will. The onus is on us to provide compelling incentive to
upgrade ;-)

There is concern that 3PDs (3rd party developers) will be forced to
choose which platform to support, but I believe this will not be much
of an issue as all 3PDs will be playing with 5.0.0 as soon as the API

At that point, the only folks still using the 4.5.x series will need
to decide if they really want to stay, or take the effort of upgrading
to 5.0.0. My assumption is that all 3PD goodies will be upgraded (a
strong campaign is under way to get all 3PDs on board for this), so
the only remaining hurdle would be custom code.

We've also talked about creating a script to parse custom code and
replace API changes with new ones, but that is not really an
interesting discussion until we see the new API.

If a significant amount of the community stays with 4.5.x and refuses
to budge, then we would risk a fork by not supporting it. In that
event I would wager that we do support it, but more in a restricted
maintenance mode (with no more advances in functionality).

-- Mitch

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