[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: Tricks and Treats for MySQL in Amazon Cloud

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General Meeting
Tricks and Treats for MySQL in Amazon Cloud
EC2, RDS, PHP and big data

         Date: Monday, October 28th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting.

They're here... MySQL and Amazon that is.  While noSQL's life force
invades our daily development, the MySQL ancients still haunt us with
a new bag of tricks.

But the treats can't come from just watching TV, so we've conjured
back database shaman Vladimir Fedorkov as our medium to the other side
of MySQL, RDS, and to the beast itself, big data.

This October we dust off the cobwebs and go into the light for some
ghost-busting to ensure that your next database deployment... isn't
built on an ancient burial ground.

MySQL operations for Big Data installations can be quite complicated
even in general installations. Cloud environments make some of them
easier, but requires at the same time more attention to some
operations which in other cases would be straightforward.

What needs to be done differently? How to perform diagnostics and make
sure systems are doing well? How to prevent performance issues? Which
RDS specific operations you'd like to avoid? And basically how to
survive in cloud with big data installations and keep them fast.

Vlad has been helping people to scale their LAMP applications for more
than 10 years, with a focus on performance optimization, architectural
choices and deep knowledge of search and MySQL technologies. In his
off-duty time he enjoys traveling, bicycling and photography.


         Date: Monday, October 28th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting.

New York PHP Meetup Group

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