From Mon Mar 11 08:43:17 2013 From: () Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 12:43:17 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: /div>

=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0Date: Monday, August 5th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
=A0 =A0 =A0Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York,= NY
RSVP Required: http= ://
=A0Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the mee= ting.

=A0 Join NYPHP at AppSec 2013, the software = security conference by OWASP
=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0
In the dead of summer, we're pleased to welcome Dani= el Londero in from Italy to give us the low-down on agile development envir= onment setup using Vagrant and Puppet.

In the past= years I've been working on different kinds of development environments= . From time to time there were improvements but there were always at least = three big problems:

=A0 - long time set up
=A0 - difficult reprod= uction
=A0 - "It works for me" issues

Nowadays developers can rely on tools like Vagrant and Puppet to au= tomate creation and provisioning of development environments using the same= configuration of the production environment.

I'll talk about benefits of this approach for lone = developers, teams and companies. I'll also show how it's easy start= using Vagrant from download to up and running with a simple introduction t= o provisioning with Puppet.

By the end of the talk you'll learn how to help you= r team to never ever say again "It works for me".

<= /div>
Daniel Londero is a web application developer specialized in PHP = (since 2005) and symfony framework (since 2007). Now in love with symfony2 = and TDD working at Nelmio (, = I do my best for the symfony community translating official documentation (= to Italian) and trying to close bugs.

I'm a co-founder of PUG Friuli ( and member of the GrUSP (The = Italian PHP User Group) board committee.

=A0 =A0 = =A0 =A0 =A0Date: Monday, August 5th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
=A0 =A0 =A0Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY= =A0
RSVP Required: http= ://
=A0Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks = location to be announced at the meeting.

New York PHP Meetup Group
