[nycphp-announce] monday at nyphp: BOF 2 - PHP/MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a Dynamic Web

New York PHP hostmaster at
Fri Apr 9 15:14:24 EDT 2010

The Bootup Open Forum initiative provides the technical concepts and
insights that are crucial for inventing opportunity and driving innovation.

Through partnerships with the technical community, BOFs are lead by subject
matter experts, and designed to deliver vital information in a succinct yet
interactive one-hour format.

Learn more and view future and past BOFs online:

BOF #2: PHP & MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a Dynamic Web
Introduction to dynamic web pages with PHP and MySQL

         Date: Monday April 12th at 6:30PM
     Location: Hive at 55, 55 Broad Street, New York, NY (13th Floor)
RSVP Required: See for details - all attendees MUST

This free seminar will introduce attendees to the basics of dynamic web
pages with PHP and MySQL and the LAMP stack.

Held in conjunction with the New York PHP User Community and lead by
Managing Member Hans Zaunere, BOF #2: PHP and MySQL - The Dynamic Duo for a
Dynamic Web will introduce the basic concepts of generating dynamic web
pages, the two de-facto technologies used to do so, and some of the actual
programming code that makes the web such a dynamic place.

Read about the concepts covered, RSVP and learn more about BOFs at

Special thanks to Hive at 55 ( for providing a great
space with free wireless internet access.

New York PHP

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