From southwell at Wed Jun 2 15:36:12 2004 From: southwell at (Michael Southwell) Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 15:36:12 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] NYPHP's June Newsletter is now available Message-ID: <> Recent news of interest to the AMP community is at Michael Southwell VP, Education Department NYPHP michael.southwell at From noreply at Sun Jun 13 22:06:02 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 19:06:02 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: June Meeting at IBM: Object-Oriented Programming in PHP 5 Through Patterns with George Schlossnagle; Daniel Kushner's Last Meeting Message-ID: <> We have a very busy June meeting - Please read this entire message as there is much new news! June Meeting ------------ When: June 22th, 2004 at 6:30pm Where - new location! -: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by June 21st. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. Details: This June, join recognized author and developer George Schlossnagle and New York PHP at our new IBM location for an exclusive look at PHP 5 and the advanced Object Oriented Programming techniques it provides. Object-Oriented Programming in PHP 5 Through Patterns Anyone who's followed the development of PHP 5 is aware of the excitement around the new object model. But what is it, and what does it allow you to do? In this talk we'll examine the new OOP facilities in PHP5 by looking at a number of design patterns and understanding the features we need to support them. George Schlossnagle is a contributor to the PHP project and an Apache module author who also has years of hands-on experience in building large-scale PHP sites and applications. He is the author of the APC compiler cache and the APD profiler (Zend engine extensions for PHP), a contributor to PHP, and is a regular speaker at leading open source conferences such as PHP-Con and ApacheCon. He now runs a consulting company specializing in scalable Web and email applications. Join George to discuss the rapidly approaching PHP 5 and the exciting features available for OOP. IBM, our latest sponsor, has provided a great room with seating for plenty. Don't miss our kickoff event at IBM! SAMS Publishing has been kind enough to provide us with books to raffle off. Come prepared with a business card to enter the drawing. When: Tuesday, June 22nd, at 6:30pm (4th Tuesday of every month) Where - new location! -: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) Post-Meeting: We're looking for a good place around the IBM building - Anyone with suggestions, please contact noreply at As always this meeting is free and open to the public - please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by June 21st. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. Daniel Kushner's Last Meeting ----------------------------- Lastly, New York PHP wishes to congratulate Daniel Kushner in his new position at Zend Technologies as Director of Training and Certification. He will be moving to California and this will be his last meeting. Daniel has added a great deal to New York PHP since the beginning and we will be sad to see him move Daniel has also generously donated money for pizza and drinks at this meeting, so please, join us to wish him the best. New York PHP's First Meeting at IBM ----------------------------------- It is with feelings of both anticipation and sentiment that I announce New York PHP's move to IBM's midtown Manhattan building. For this and all future meetings, New York PHP will meet at 590 Madison Avenue, at 57th Street. Digital Pulp has been a fantastic host, and we wouldn't be here today without Andrew Yochum and DP's dedication over the last two years. As attendance has grown, however, we've come to need a larger facility. I'd like to thank Dan Krook for making the IBM space possible. April's "New York PHP and Clew" Presentation Online - Get Involved! ------------------------------------------------------------------- After April's presentation about the new New York PHP and our top project, Clew, interest has been fantastic. It's clear people want to get involved, and we're working hard to make it as easy as possible. If you missed the "New York PHP and Clew" presentation, it's now online with audio at: Be a part of NYPHP - contact myself at noreply at or the Operations department at operations at to get started. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Sun Jun 20 19:59:31 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 16:59:31 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: June Meeting at IBM and Post-Meeting at Outback: Object-Oriented Programming in PHP 5 Through Patterns with George Schlossnagle Message-ID: <> We have a very busy June meeting - Please read this entire message as there is much new news! June Meeting ------------ When: June 22th, 2004 at 6:30pm Where: (new location) IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) Post-Meeting: Outback Steakhouse, 919 3rd Avenue at 56th Street IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by June 21st. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. Details: This June, join recognized author and developer George Schlossnagle and New York PHP at our new IBM location for an exclusive look at PHP 5 and the advanced Object Oriented Programming techniques it provides. After the meeting, you're invited to join us for food, drinks and discussion at the midtown Outback - details below. Object-Oriented Programming in PHP 5 Through Patterns Anyone who's followed the development of PHP 5 is aware of the excitement around the new object model. But what is it, and what does it allow you to do? In this talk we'll examine the new OOP facilities in PHP5 by looking at a number of design patterns and understanding the features we need to support them. George Schlossnagle is a contributor to the PHP project and an Apache module author who also has years of hands-on experience in building large-scale PHP sites and applications. He is the author of the APC compiler cache and the APD profiler (Zend engine extensions for PHP), a contributor to PHP, and is a regular speaker at leading open source conferences such as PHP-Con and ApacheCon. He now runs a consulting company specializing in scalable Web and email applications. Join George to discuss the rapidly approaching PHP 5 and the exciting features available for OOP. IBM, our latest sponsor, has provided a great room with seating for plenty. Don't miss our kickoff event at IBM! SAMS Publishing has been kind enough to provide us with books to raffle off. Come prepared with a business card to enter the drawing. When: June 22th, 2004 at 6:30pm Where: (new location) IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) Post-Meeting: Outback Steakhouse, 919 3rd Avenue at 56th Street Join us after the meeting for good food and discussion! As always this meeting is free and open to the public - please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by June 21st. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. New York PHP's First Meeting at IBM ----------------------------------- It is with feelings of both anticipation and sentiment that I announce New York PHP's move to IBM's midtown Manhattan building. For this and all future meetings, New York PHP will meet at 590 Madison Avenue, at 57th Street. Digital Pulp has been a fantastic host, and we wouldn't be here today without Andrew Yochum and DP's dedication over the last two years. As attendance has grown, however, we've come to need a larger facility. I'd like to thank Dan Krook for making the IBM space possible. Daniel Kushner's Last Meeting ----------------------------- Lastly, New York PHP wishes to congratulate Daniel Kushner in his new position at Zend Technologies as Director of Training and Certification. He will be moving to California and this will be his last meeting. Daniel has added a great deal to New York PHP since the beginning and we will be sad to see him move Daniel has also generously donated money for pizza and drinks at this meeting, so please, join us to wish him the best. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Mon Jun 21 14:51:35 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:51:35 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] RSVP Deadline today at 3pm Message-ID: <> The deadline to RSVP for tomorrow's meeting is 3pm today. Please RSVP now if you intend to attend tomorrow's meeting. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Tue Jun 22 08:49:10 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 05:49:10 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] tonight@nyphp: Room Changed to 1219, 12th Floor Message-ID: <> In order to accommodate a larger crowd, the room has been changed. The final location details for tonight's meeting are: Room 1219 (12th Floor) IBM building, 590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street Then join us for the post-meeting at Outback Steakhouse, 919 3rd Avenue at 56th Street. Thank you to everyone who helped make this meeting possible. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Wed Jun 30 09:30:27 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 06:30:27 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] CACert SSL Meeting; july@nyphp: Using HTML_QuickForm with Smarty with David Mintz Message-ID: <> Community Minded Certificate Authority -------------------------------------- New York City BSD Users Group ( is holding an exciting auxilluary meeting that should be of interest to many of our members. CACert gives free SSL certificates on request, and Monday's meeting is opportunity to meet face-to-face in a key-signing environment. >From NYCBUG... July 5th Monday Auxilluary Meeting: CA Cert Meeting 6-8 pm, Soho Apple Store at 103 Prince Street Have you ever wanted an SSL certificate for your small business, not-for-profit organization or even family Web site but didn't want to pay the commercial price? Then there is an alternative, Bring a few forms of Government ID if you want to get involved as an assurer and see for more details. July Meeting ------------ When: July 27th, 2004 at 6:30pm sharp Where: (new location) IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) Post-Meeting: Outback Steakhouse, 919 3rd Avenue at 56th Street IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by 3:00pm on July 26th. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. RSVP online at Details: This July, join New York PHP's own David Mintz at our new IBM location for an exciting followup to May's HTML_QuickForm by David Sklar. David M. will expand on May's meeting and take us through using HTML_QuickForm with the Smarty template engine. Using HTML_QuickForm with Smarty HTML_QuickForm is a PEAR package providing powerful and elegant functionality for building and validating HTML forms. Its default form renderer, however, is only adequate for the simplest of applications, and customizing its output, though possible, is awkward and tends to undermine the goal of separating logic from presentation. Smarty is a popular template engine noted for its flexibility and efficiency, and HTML_QuickForm supports integration with this and other template engines. In this presentation we quickly review the use of both tools, and then examine some techniques for getting them to play nicely together. David Mintz is a self-proclaimed wannabe geek who works as a Spanish-English staff interpreter for the federal court in downtown Manhattan. Join David and the New York PHP crew and see how the powerful HTML_QuickForm and elegant Smarty engine can be combined for engineering the perfect frontend. IBM, our latest sponsor, has provided a great room with seating for plenty. Come prepared with a business card to enter drawings for book and other prizes. When: July 27th, 2004 at 6:30pm sharp Where: (new location) IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 306 (3rd Floor) Post-Meeting: Outback Steakhouse, 919 3rd Avenue at 56th Street Join us after the meeting for good food and discussion! As always this meeting is free and open to the public - please be sure to RSVP online at IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST RSVP by 3:00pm on July 26th. IBM Security will not let you in the building if your name isn't listed. RSVP online at --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP From noreply at Wed Jun 30 09:48:54 2004 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 06:48:54 -0700 Subject: [nycphp-announce] The NYPHP Charter has been revised Message-ID: <> The Board of Directors, by unanimous vote, has revised the Charter of New York PHP to include the following article: ================================ Appropriate Use of Mailing Lists The mailing lists of New York PHP may not be used to (1) promote any commercial activities unless that posting has received prior board approval, in which case the posting shall include the words "This posting has been approved by the Board of New York PHP"; (2) suggest that any activity, code base, or writing has been endorsed by or created by or supported by New York PHP if that is not the case. The Board of New York PHP shall determine whether a violation of appropriate use has occurred, and if it has, the President shall issue a warning notice in writing to the violator. Anyone who again violates appropriate use after having been already issued a warning notice shall be excluded from any and all participation in New York PHP. ================================ The complete Charter may be viewed at New York PHP wants to maintain the highest caliber community possible and we appreciate your cooperation and support. --- Hans Zaunere President New York PHP