[nycphp-announce] PHundamentals topic #4B - managing php.ini settings - is on NYPHP Talk

Michael Southwell southwell at
Mon Dec 1 20:35:37 EST 2003

PHundamentals topic #4B - managing php.ini settings is up for discussion on 
NYPHP's Talk mailing list.

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Last month's PHundamentals topic, what are the most important php.ini
settings, generated many good suggestions. Now we turn to managing
those settings.

On a server we control, that seems straightforward: we modify php.ini.
But we may also control some PHP settings using a <Directory> or
<Files> directive in httpd.conf, or in .htaccess. What is best
practice here?

And what is best practice on a server we don't control, where we have
access only to our own directories? How can we make certain that our
required settings are in effect?

Jeff Siegel and Mike Southwell
The PHundamentals Team

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